In this week’s edition of Tips From the Pros, we caught up with the owners of Sirius Day Spa. They shared some of the best advice for keeping your skin healthy and beautiful. Check it out!
We all work hard to maintain and extend the vibrancy and life for so many things. your car, your home, your body, but what about your face? Living in Florida is truly living in paradise, but it can be taxing on your skin. Here are 5 tips from the pros (led by department head, Morgana S) at Sirius Day Spa, Salon & Med Spa to help keep your skin looking clean, youthful, and healthy!
1. Wear Sunscreen – Every. Single. Day. – This is by far the number one tip. All too often, we see clients coming in with damaged skin from the sun. The biggest myth is that when it is overcast, you don’t need sunscreen. This is false. Protect your face, as the sun is the biggest culprit for discoloration and fine lines and wrinkles. It also breaks down the barrier that keeps you looking ageless. Also, do use sunscreen with less than 30 SPF, and be sure to reapply after sweating, swimming, or exercising.
2. Commit to monthly maintenance on your skin. You get oil changes every few thousand miles, clean your house weekly (perhaps?), work out regularly, get yearly physicals, but what are you doing for your face? There are professionals in all aspects of your life to make sure you are staying on track. You have one beautiful face, so why not assure you are seeing a professional for that? Monthly facials will help keep your face and skin in check.
3. Have a nightly routine, and stick with it. You had a great night with friends, great food, and wine.. lots of wine. Boy are you tired! Well, I guess you can skip washing your face and just hit the sack, right? Wrong! A clean face before bed is essential. Makeup and dirt can become embedded in your pores overnight and cause many skin problems. No matter what, make it your routine, your skin will thank you for it.
4. Hydrate (Inside and Out) and Moisturize. Your body is mostly made up of water. Your skin is the largest organ in your body. Soooo… drink up! Water will help maintain the healthy glow we all crave, but it doesn’t stop there. Hydration on the outside (for example an Image Vital C Hydration Serum) is key for soft supple youthful skin.
5. Eat Right We have been told this our entire lives, but we still consume chips, fries, sugar, pizza, etc. That’s ok in moderation, but not as a regular lifestyle. Not only will it affect how you feel, but it will affect how you LOOK. Many of us may not realize nutrition will also affect your external skin. So, grab that apple, eat that orange or green leafy veggies, and have brighter, less tired-looking skin!
…and repeat steps 1-5. The term, “Look Good, Feel Good” holds true in so many ways. Taking care of your skin will not only transform your outside with a healthy youthful glow, but it will also be good for your health and confidence. So why not give it a shot?
What great advice! We can’t wait to implement some of these tips and enjoy healthy, glowing skin! For more information about the services Sirius Day Spa provides, visit their website. While you’re at it, don’t forget to follow them on Facebook and Instagram! When you call to make an appointment, don’t forget to tell them you heard about them on Discover Bradenton!