Streamline Your Space: Why Clutter is Actually So Much More

Home organizing and decluttering are hot topics right now – which is why we were so excited to chat with Shirley O’Brien, owner of Suncoast Spaces. She has some very interesting insights into why the clutter in your home is actually so much more. Here’s what she had to say…

Streamline Your Space

by Shirley O’Brien

Home Edit, Marie Kondo, Hoarders, The Minimalists – we are obsessed with clutter: or no clutter. From Pinterest-perfect posts to extreme hoarding, our interest in clutter has never been greater.

But when does it officially become clutter and not just our decor style? The answer to that question is one only you can answer. Let me explain.

Our homes are where we can be ourselves, surrounded by the things we love, our collections, our memories. The things that make our house our home. But when those things, collections, and memories start to create chaos in our lives, that’s where the problems arise.

Extreme hoarding is the most disruptive example of this, and as I am not a therapist or expert at hoarding, I will leave that topic for the professionals. However, our day-to-day clutter can be disruptive when it begins to affect our quality of life.

Everyone’s idea of what is clutter is personal, think maximalist vs minimalist. The important thing to note is when your things affect your mental or physical health or become dangerous obstacles, it has become a problem.

 What can you do? If your life has become unmanageable or is on the way there, there are some tips that can help you get your clutter under control.

First, identify what is clutter. That expensive dress you bought and will never wear because it doesn’t fit – clutter. Your kids artwork from the time they were in pre-k and now they have kids of their own – clutter. Those fancy pots & pans you purchased but you don’t even cook – clutter. Duplicate items, expired medications and food – clutter. Your tax returns from earlier than 2010 – clutter.

Next, be realistic about what is truly important to you. If an item does not bring joy to you, consider whether it can be valuable to someone else. Donate, sell, or if it’s broken, stained, or unusable, trash it.

Everything should have a place. Clutter creates chaos in our lives because when we search and can’t find things or we walk into our space and the mess overwhelms us or our closets literally are filled to the brim and there’s no room for anything else, it affects the peace and serenity that should fill our homes.

Visual clutter creates internal clutter and the only way to regain that peace is to reduce/release those items that no longer serve you and gives you more time to get out and enjoy life.


Wow! That’s great advice! If you need help calming the chaos, you can book a free 15-minute discovery call to see how Suncoat Spaces’ Streamline Your Space service can help. To get started, call Shirley at 941.877.0234 and be sure to let her know you saw her article on Discover Bradenton!

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