• bradenton blues festival

Bradenton Blues Festival

December 1, 2023

Keep Your Finger On The Pulse

This bradenton event appears to have expired and may be removed soon.

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    3 thoughts on “Bradenton Blues Festival

    • Beauford Goodrum 2 months ago

      Thanks from Beauford Goodrum & family let’s us all keep Bradenton Florida blues alive 💙 🙌

    • Beauford Goodrum 9 months ago

      Bradenton florida has the best blues event in the United States 🇺🇸 iam from bradenton and myself and wife “Randie ” from Atlanta, Georgia but when we got to the blues festival this year at the gate heard the great music the joy came all over our body and felt all the Love from everyone we injoy every year and I thank bradenton should be number 1 every year because they have the best blues artist lineup every year. So bradenton keep up the great work .

      • Realize Bradenton 9 months ago

        Thank you for you kind comment. We pour a lot of love into the Blues Fest and it warms our hearts to know that it is appreciated!

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