There are many nonprofit organizations in Bradenton and the surrounding area. Each one is doing incredible work to support our community by helping those less fortunate, promoting the arts, providing education, and more.
This week, we were thrilled to chat with representatives from Jordyns Joy Inc. to learn more about their mission and how we can help. Here’s what they had to say.

Can you tell us a little bit about your mission and how you help to support our community?
Our Mission is to bring Joy to kids in the hospital. We gather new games, crafts, stuffed animals, and art supplies and take them to multiple children’s hospitals. We do this in honor of our granddaughter who passed away when she was 8 years old from a rare lung disease “CHIld” Children’s interstitial lung disease.
Who do you serve and why?
We serve multiple children’s hospitals throughout the entire state of Florida, we also service children’s hospitals in Georgia, Nashville and Alabama.
If we can help a child, forget what they’re going through and bring happiness to them for just a moment we have accomplished our goal. We do this is to share our love for Jordyn with others, and carry on her legacy.
Jordyns Joy Inc. started with Jordyn receiving a stuffed animal and a homemade card when she was diagnosed. At our darkest moments, a simple kind gesture made such an impact on our hearts we want to continue to pay it forward by sharing our love with others.
What’s the best way our community can help?
We need donations of new items for children from premies to teenagers – including blankets arts, crafts, games, toys, and stuffed animals. Homemade Items are welcome.
To get an idea of the types of items that these children need, take a look at John Hopkins Children’s Hospital’s wish list. You can also donate directly to us and we will do the shopping for you. Visit to learn more and Follow Jordyn’s Joy on Facebook to keep up with all the latest news and updates.