
Discover Bradenton’s Ultimate “Shop Local” Holiday Guide.
Business Listing Request

Current paid members receive a free listing.
The cost for non-members is $25
(Or, you can sign up for our Silver Membership for just $15 a month and get your listing for free).

The guide will be released in early November and will be heavily promoted, including: 

  • Prominent placement on our website (over 13k visitors per month)
  • Distribution via email to our subscribers (1,750)
  • Sharing on our Facebook page (9,431 followers / over 40k monthly reach)
  • Promoting during networking events
  • Promoting with paid ads

We’re also asking every business that’s in the guide to share it on at least one of their social media platforms, which will expand the reach even further.

Please take a look at our advertising options HERE.

Full Page ($75): 8w x 10h inches  (768 x 960 pixels)
1/2 Page horizontal ($40) – 8w x 5h inches (768 x 480 pixels)
1/2 page vertical ($40) – 4w x 10h inches (384 x 960 pixels)
1/3 page horizontal ($25) – 8w x 3.3h inches (768 x 317 pixels)
1/3 page vertical ($25) – 2.66w x 10h inches (255 x 960 pixels) 


  • Every business must include an offer or discount. You’re free to add an expiration date.
    (ex. “Mention Discover Bradenton and receive 10% off your order. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Expires 12/31/2020) – It doesn’t have to be a big discount! You can do something like $5 off, free gift wrapping, a special discount day, a free gift with purchase — feel free to use your imagination! (Note, if you purchase an ad or article, you don’t have to include a discount — unless you want to!)
  • Every business listed must share the final gift guide on at least one of their social media platforms.
  • All information (logos, descriptions, offers, images, etc.) must be received no later than the end of the day on October 20th.

  • If you don't have a website, use your Facebook URL. 🙂
  • Max. file size: 300 MB.
    You must provide ad graphic by Oct. 20th
    You must provide image(s) and rough content by Oct. 20th
    ** Price includes writing/editing. Discover Bradenton reserves final editing rights.
  • $0.00
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.